Our Life Skill Coaching sessions are customized for your rehabilitative growth needs. We are able to assist you with modifying your behavior by helping you understand why you think the way you think and why you do the things you do. It's just that simple. Our approach is very interative since it's really about you
becoming your best possible self. We start wherever you are, and cover some of the most basic and fundamentals of living independently. We use various strategies that test your thoughts, examine the validity of statements you make about yourself while teaching you how to have healthy thought and corresponding behavioral balance.
We implement self-actualization tools that help you understand your own uniqueness and how you can use your strengths for the better good. We take a wholistic approach to wellness by helping you develop emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally, and how you can change from patterns of thinking that lead to criminal behavior to patterns of moral reasoning, self-management, individual accountability, and responsible thinking processes.
We celebrate your successes and victories, help you to see and understand your blind spots, and assist you in developing your own action plan for your life.
We are here for you, and want you to be successful as you transition into society and adjusting to a new normal.
What does successful re-entry look like?
You are gainfully employed.
You become a law-abiding tax payer.
You are able to live independently successfully.
You stay current with restitution, child support, and all your parole and/or probation mandates.
Consistent and current on victim repayment.
Healthy family connections.
Responsible community relations.
Transformation of criminal thinking and behavior.
Respect and accountability to authority.
Economic revitalization and growth.

When you decide to change the way you see things, the things you see begin to change.